Friday 14 September 2018

Basic PHP Mistakes - Even the Experts Won't Deny it!

PHP is a famous open source programming language worldwide. Dynamics and robustness make it efficient and easy to use. Whether you are an experienced developer or a newbie, it's impossible to avoid some common PHP mistakes.  You can pursue the best PHP course in Jalandhar if you reside in Punjab.  But no matter how experienced and skilled you are, there is a negligible chance of committing an error. Below are some of the mistakes you must know to avoid it in the future.

So without further ado, let's explore together!

A Semicolon can make a Difference

Who doesn't know the pain of missing semicolon? Each statement is followed by a semicolon as it indicates the end. However, some statements don't require a semicolon at all. For say, using a semicolon in 'if-else' statement generates a syntax error. One must be familiar with all the do's and don’ts of the semicolon. In addition, some people confuse semicolon with the colon. So you should be careful with semicolons.
Not using Exception Handling

One of the biggest mistakes is to overlook the concept of 'Exception Handling'. No matter how perfect you are at coding, the chances of wrong input are always there. In fact, even the validations can't even avoid exceptions. In today's high-tech world, virus, spam, phishing, etc are those threats that can harm any software easily. Therefore, handling exception is essential. It will not just notify you about wrong access but also help to protect your data.
Effective use of  Memory

When storing or fetching data, one must make sure that memory is utilized properly. Memory is the biggest concern, especially for dynamic applications. If you study in Punjab, you can consult and take training from the most famous PHP training institute in Jalandhar. It will not only teach you PHP basics but also explain how you can manage an application without running out of space. So build some amazing applications with proper memory management.
Return by Value or Reference

Of course, everyone is familiar with 'return by value & return by reference' concept. But do you often get confused with its usage? Well, it happens to almost everyone. Grasping theoretical concept isn't enough. One has to be practically strong. A programmer must know where to return data by value and where to use reference for the same. So before you get into the real coding, learn more about this concept.
Including MySQL Extension

It's out of date and erroneous to use MySQL extension in the code. Instead, try using MySQLi, which is updated and easily recognized by the interpreter. Moreover, using extension can lead to data theft or hacking. So be careful what you are using in your code.

Wrapping Up

Keep these things in your mind while pursuing your PHP course in Jalandhar. That's how you can become a perfect PHP developer in no time.


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